Because of the rain several of our plans for the weekend got cancelled, but we ended up having a wonderful weekend anyway. My daddy's birthday is today (march 6) so friday night we braved the torrential rains and went out to eat to celebrate his day. He probably would not appreciate me giving away his age so we will just say that he is now one year wiser!! My daddy is a very special man. He is such a wise man and the man I look to for so much direction in my life!! Thank you daddy for being so amazing and for loving me through it all!! I wish I had pictures to share, but can't always remember to carry my camera!!
Saturday we went to our precious friend Murphy's bday party!! Murphy turned 3 friday and we were very honored to help him celebrate his BIG day yesterday. He had a construction party. You can probably imagine how much my boys truly enjoyed this party. They were able to jump in the jumper for a little while before the rains started up again. Here are some pics from the party....
Cayden, Grayson, and the sweet birthday boy Murphy playing together
Happy birthday Murphy
Last night, I was able to go have a little girl time with some of my greatest friends. I love these girls so much and couldn't get through the hard days without their love and support. We are all going through the same thing in life right now so it is such a true blessing to be able to get together with them and cry, laugh, vent, or whatever the mood strikes. Last night we experienced lots of laughter. For those of you who know me well, you know that is my absolute favorite thing to do is laugh.
This morning topped off our weekend with worship at church. I LOVE my church family!! God has put these people in my life to be such a rock for me!! As I have mentioned before, God has been doing some amazing things in my life and spiritual realtionship with him. This morning was an amazing time of affirmation for me!! My family is experiencing a true valley right now. We are so thankful and blessed to say that we are facing this valley with so much joy and peace throughout the whole thing. That doesn't mean that the days aren't hard or that we wouldn't much rather have things another way, but God has given us a true peace and calling about the situation. This too shall pass for us and I am so excited to see how much we grow and much more willing we are to profess the love of Christ at the end of this. If you don't know him as your personal Lord and savior, I truly encourage you to find him. There is no love like the love of Christ. You will never be the same!
Now the sun is shining and the air is cold, but that hasn't stopped Cayden for one minute!! He is back outside and at it again.
JD, we miss you so much! I hate that I haven't gotten to talk to you this weekend, but I trust the Lord that you are ok. As always, we are here waiting for your return to us!! Be safe and keep your eyes on God at all times!! I love you and so do the boys!!
This morning topped off our weekend with worship at church. I LOVE my church family!! God has put these people in my life to be such a rock for me!! As I have mentioned before, God has been doing some amazing things in my life and spiritual realtionship with him. This morning was an amazing time of affirmation for me!! My family is experiencing a true valley right now. We are so thankful and blessed to say that we are facing this valley with so much joy and peace throughout the whole thing. That doesn't mean that the days aren't hard or that we wouldn't much rather have things another way, but God has given us a true peace and calling about the situation. This too shall pass for us and I am so excited to see how much we grow and much more willing we are to profess the love of Christ at the end of this. If you don't know him as your personal Lord and savior, I truly encourage you to find him. There is no love like the love of Christ. You will never be the same!
Now the sun is shining and the air is cold, but that hasn't stopped Cayden for one minute!! He is back outside and at it again.
JD, we miss you so much! I hate that I haven't gotten to talk to you this weekend, but I trust the Lord that you are ok. As always, we are here waiting for your return to us!! Be safe and keep your eyes on God at all times!! I love you and so do the boys!!
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