Friday, August 12, 2011

Cayden-Our Big 1st Grader

Yesterday was Cayden's first day of the 1st grade!! I am so very proud of him yet, I am sad to see it all go so fast. It seems like yesterday I was in the hospital delivering that sweet bundle of joy and that is exactly what he has been to us for the last 6 years, is a pure bundle of joy!! Cayden is our first born and my life's calling was fulfilled when he came into this world. To be a mother.....that is all I have ever wanted to be in life is a mother and a wife!! God has truly blessed on both accounts!! JD and I have 2 amazing little boys who literally carry our hearts where ever they go!!!

He got in the car both yesterday and today so excited and happy to be in the 1st grade!! So far, he is loving it!! He loves to learn so this should be lots of fun for him!! Did you know they give spelling test in the 1st grade now?!?!?!? So much has changed since I went through and I AM NOT THAT OLD!!!! Let's just hope he takes after me in spelling and his daddy in math.....he will be in good shape if he does! :))

Here are some pix of my baby boy through the years until now!!

The day we came home from the hospital

1st birthday

2 years

2nd birthday

3 years
Cole, Carson, and Cayden playing in Mighty Mites
3rd birthday

4 years old
4 year old preschool graduation
4th birthday
5 and 6 years old
First day of Kindergarten
5th birthday
His first lost tooth
6th birthday
I know this is a lot of pix, but I went down memory lane and got carried away! :/

And now we have made it to THE BIG 1ST GRADE
On the way to school...
Olivia and Cayden
Sitting at his big boy desk....

No matter how big our baby gets, he will always be just that....our baby!! JD and I as parent's main goal is to instill Jesus into his sweet heart!! Our little guy is off to a good start!!

We are so proud of you Cayden! We can't wait to see how much you learn this year!

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