I know it has been a long time since I have blogged about anything. I must admit that I am a terrible blogger. A whole lot has been going on in our house since the last time. Some good, some not so good, but not terrible either. We are so happy to have our family put back together. God has continued to bless this house in so many ways.
The reason for this post is because I have had something that has been so heavy on my heart. I usually don't get into the political realm of things. Not because I am not a political person, but because everyone is subject to their opinions and it is just not in my interest to get into a heated controversial discussion with people I love who may see things different. Today though, I am going to risk it and go there!!!
This nation is depressing me on so many levels. Where we once started out as a Christian nation, it is slowly going down, down, down. If you know me then you know where I stand in my faith. If you don't know me that well, then allow me to tell you where I stand in my faith. My God is my STRENGTH, COMFORT, FRIEND, FATHER, ENCOURAGER, DEFENDER, PROTECTOR, AND SO ON. To sum it up, MY EVERYTHING!!!!!
Here is what brings me here today.....
This controversy that has been going on with Chick Fil A is just and example of where our nation is headed. I want to say that I do not have a personal grudge against any homosexual. I have gay friends and family and I love everyone of those individuals dearly. With that said, I can't go against my beliefs of the bible. The truth is that this whole gay issue is being terribly blown way out of proportion. If you choose to be gay, then fine. I choose to be heterosexual. It's all about the force that the homosexual community is putting on this world. (Not all, but some. Let me clarify). The bible teaches us that marriage is between a man and a woman. Simply, plain and simple. You can't change that. I am a sinner. I sin every single day. My sin is no different from your sin, but its a SIN. There is no changing the Word of God. The fact that we as a nation are trying in some areas to make this a legal issue is just so absurd to me. We don't have people trying to legalize adultery or murder or stealing or any of the number of sins the bible commands us to stay away from. It is not excepted in the bible so we as a Christian community should not except it.
I supported Chick Fil A yesterday, not because I hate gays or want to condemn them (it is just simply not my place to do so) but because someone took a stand for Christ and for his teachings and for the freedom of speech in a nation that is so quickly taking all those rights away. Its not about creating new rights and laws. Its about keeping the old ones in place so that we can keep this great nation what it is, AMERICA. Its what so many (including my husband) are fighting for.
If our America would have more fear in God and less desire for their individual rights, it would be amazing where we would be. I urge any of you to read in Exodus. God has a strong opinion of the road we are going down more and more everyday. For those of you who don't believe in the bible or in God, I don't know what to say. I will not try to force my beliefs on you, but I will simply pray for you. The day of judgement WILL come and we will stand before God.
With all of this said, I love everyone, RED YELLOW BLACK AND WHITE, the way God commands to love. I will not be judgemental about the sin you choose for your life, because it is not my place to make that judgement. It is God's and God alone. I pray for this nation daily, hourly, whenever is comes on my heart. I pray that God's truth will prevail and we will see healing in our land. I pray that we can go back to the days of the founding fathers and once again have God's full approval. I pray God will continue to have mercy on us.
I want to say again, that we are all sinners, but we are all sinners saved by grace. The precious grace of God. I hope if you don't know him, that you will come to know him. There is no peace in this life without him. We will leave this world one day and we will face judgement. We will also spend eternity somewhere. My eternity will be heaven. I pray yours will too!!!
Another Birthday/Another Post on Adulting
1 year ago