Well, it is going on 4 weeks now since we got out of school!! Busy Busy Busy is a total understatement for our life these days. We spend A LOT of time at the pool which the kids love and so do I so no complaints there. I have just noticed that since Cayden is older and use to being in a constant routine in school, he is just keeping me hopping since we have been out.
We are enjoying our summer for sure!! This week we just wrapped up our week of Vacation Bible School at our church. It was tons of fun. I was a homeroom teacher for kindergarten so I had my child and 15 other kids. You can only imagine. :))
Here are some of our pics that we have been taking this summer.....
Cayden, Brylie, and Grayson

Cayden with ranch dressing all over his face....don't ask?!?!?!?

My sweet boys playing trains together

Sprinkler time!!!!

Just one of our many meltdowns in a days time!!

Sweet baby chillin at the pool

Cayden and Murphy at Yogi Bear

Cayden and Yogi getting their pic taken with some random people who wanted in. :)

This weekend is kinda crrrazzzyyyy at my house!! My parents are in NYC and I have my 2 kids, my brother, my 2 dogs and my mom's dog at my house all weekend!! Been wild, but so far so good!! Mom and Dad, I hope you are having tons of fun!! Make lots of memories!
JD, we miss you!! It is VERY hot here, but not near as hot as you are experiencing these days so I will not complain about it!! We CAN NOT wait for you to be home in a few weeks for some R&R. I just don't think we are gonna be able to send you back! Love you babe! See you soon!